Subscript Ahoy!
This one is simple enough, and I’d done it before, long, long ago. But I had to look it up that day. Gotta show chemicals in your HTML page? Subscript, ahoy!
Dynamic Table striping
This article:
Describes in great detail, how to achieve zebra striping on your tables using jQuery, and even adds a hover-color, which is cool and all, but…
Relevant code:
What about when I dynamically load a new part of my page, in response to some user action. And the new part has a table in it. The $(document).ready only runs once. My new table doesn’t have the stripey goodness. Or, if I just reload a table by itself via Ajax? Or just the tbody rows (hello, paging)? How about if I just freaking add a new row (insert_before)?
So, hover color changing. That one is deceptively simple. Instead of .mouseover, you should be doing a .live(‘mouseover’,… That’s what ‘ live’ is for, after all.
Now, how about striping? Well, WTF was this example doing, anyway? Proving you can play with CSS in Javascript, I guess. Forget the Javascript part, and just use a CSS selector (.stripeMe tr:even instead of ‘alt’) Done.
Of course, having figured all this out, we started using the jQuery Datatable component, and now it’s all irrelevant. Oh, well. I learned something.
And, last, but not least
GUID/UUID generation
Ever needed to generate UUID/GUID’s?
Nice little gem
Too bad it doesn’t work with the current version of REE (1.8.7) (ffi incompatible with Ruby version < 1.9 now)
This one works with REE:
Read the whole thread for all the variations people use to do this. Sort of scary, actually.