Decidedly Jazz

Recently came across a discussion on Twitter about how programming was part math and part jazz. The jazz part, of course, is about improvisation. I don’t know, maybe we are all comedians?

Don't Go Into Management

It was quite a while back, but I saved this tweet, because I thought I could write up a fairly epic blog post, related to the topic, so here goes.

Why Python?

I’ve been hearing a number of questions, in relation to the National Learn to Code Day workshop, so I thought I should address those questions in a little more detail than you will find on our workshop registration page.

Better Testing with RSpec

Let’s get this one question out of the way, right off the bat. Why RSpec? or more specifically - why RSpec instead of MiniTest?

Girls Learning Ruby

I had the opportunity last week to teach one of the Calgary based Girls Learning Code workshops for the first time. It was quite a learning experience, for everyone, so I thought I’d write up some of the fun things we learned.

The Fourth R

There’s all sorts of stories and reasons behind the lack of women in software development, and I’m not planning on debating which or how influential any of them are. I’ll just pick one to start with here. We call it “the pipeline”. It’s really hard to increase the percentage of women in software development jobs, when the percentage of young women entering the field remains so ridiculously low.

Re-discovering Lethbridge

So here it is, the end of January. This marks exactly a year since my husband and I were “just checking out” the housing market in Lethbridge, Alberta and fell in love with our money-pit of a property. I have another whole post drafted on how we arrived at our decision to move, so I’ll leave that to another time, and just talk about what we’ve discovered about our new-old home town in that year.